Mission: Helping people discover their God story!
At OCC, we believe that everyone has a God story!
Our mission and vision reflect our belief that Jesus came to give life to all who put their faith and trust in him. (John 3:16) Each of us was created with purpose and meaning that only can be truly discovered in a relationship with Jesus. (Ephesians 2:10) We are not a perfect church, but we serve the perfect Savior and strive to engage and encourage one another as the Bible and Jesus teach us.
If you’ve been wandering around in life apart from God, then you most likely have seen some pretty wild stuff that, if we are honest, has led to hurt relationships and a life searching for meaning and purpose.
What we love about God is that He wants you to know your purpose to realize your STORY through Jesus. We passionately believe you have purpose and meaning and seek to help connect you to God and others, helping you discover your true story, your God story. God is waiting and ready to take the chapters of your life, past, present, and future, to give them meaning and purpose.
You belong here! You belong and have a story in Christ, no matter your past or present. Join us at OCC and discover your story as we discover our own and ours together.
James Garner
Lead Minister